“Don’t mind me. I’ll just be in the corner, having another existential crisis.”
“Dammit why aren’t you obeying the laws of physics?!”
Miklaus St. Bright.
In the last two days, life aboard the ship had changed greatly and Miklaus was not fond of change. Not because of the paperwork, he didn’t mind that, but because change was inherently terrifying. He should have been a clerk, honestly but no, instead he was a naval man aboard a great creaking ship serving as a glorified clerk. Which was pretty much how he liked it. Making sure things were done a certain way, helping the Captain and the officers of the ship get things done. Well. It was good. However, this was not good. Whatever this was. He had been leered at by pirates. Which was an unsettling and strange occurrence and he had no idea how to deal with it. It was like the pirates knew something he didn’t! Which was the worst thing ever? Even worse than the leering.
Luckily food provisions looked good and he could at least make sure the pirates weren’t getting scurvy at the same time as his own people. Sure they would hang but at least they wouldn’t be full of scurvy at the time of it! Miklaus knew he was odd. You shouldn’t feed the pirates so well, he had been told but it wasn’t by the captain and thus he didn’t care. They could take their complaints to Adalbert himself. They didn’t though, they never did. Bright was a better target for their ire. Perhaps it wouldn’t be so bad if he wasn’t attached to the Captain’s hip but he definitely was attached to the Captain’s hip all the time.
Things were odd. The Captain seemed … off. The pirates were definitely not any of the pirates they had captured before. Beyond the leering, they were… polite. Mostly. Polite and perverted and it made Bright squeak and flee, crimson-faced back to his tiny broom closet of a room. Actually, it was a closet. Because rooming with someone had been impossible and there had been… Well. Problems. So Miklaus was given the tiny closet and told to not yell at anyone over things like that. So that was where he was. In his room aboard his ship… The Captain’s ship. … His ship. Aboard his ship, in the middle of the ocean while strangeness was afoot and he didn’t like it. He felt like the world was spinning out of control and that he was steps away from drowning. So he settled on his bed and got out the paperwork for when they made dock in about a month, it was high time he needed to get started on it and honestly, it was so soothing to just lose himself in mindless minutiae. No filling it out yet, of course, a lot could change in a month.
He was thirsty and his hand went to his bedside table and groped around getting more frustrated until suddenly the glass was in his hand. He set it back down. He looked down at it floating in the air. As soon as he noticed it, the tin cup, empty now, fell to the floor with a clatter. He shut his eyes hard, pulled off his glasses and rubbed his eyes until he saw spots.
“Not again.”